Hazlo Regio

Hazlo Regio is a movement that seeks to rediscover the values ​​and behaviors that define Regios (Monterrey residents) in order to have a united and participatory society.
There is something very special about being "Regio", and no, it's definitely not the coincidence of being born here, because throughout history, Regios have come and gone from the city, they have different skin tones, accents, traditions and surnames. Because this title of which we are so proud  of is not inherited or transferred, it is earned.          

 It begins with service to others and is an example of what you want to teach your children and see in your neighbors.       

What fills us with pride when pronouncing ourselves regal is the value implicit in the word; everything that we can become: a society of values, in harmony with ourselves, with our neighbors and with the world around us.        

 In short, to be regal is to go further and do things in an extraordinary way, worthy of pride because they add to individual and collective progress.       

 Because we understand that to be, you must first do.

Hazlo Regio Manifesto

TV and social media campaign.


Trece Lunas

